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My previous analysis suggested that the Wisconsin 2016 vote may have been affected by the extent of the use of voting machines (also known as touchscreen voting systems, or direct recording electronic voting, DRE, machines). An investigation of the physical voting machines used in Wisconsin in 2016 is needed to determine whether they have been tampered with before or during the 2016 elections to favour Trump.

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Results suggest that if manipulation occurred, it did not artificially increase the number of voters but instead modified the votes of genuine voters.This finding held true even when the use of AVC Edge voting machines was considered alongside a range of municipality-level demographic and voting method variables.This was not the case for the 2012 Presidential contest. The proportion of votes coming from use of the Sequoia AVC Edge electronic voting system in Wisconsin was significantly correlated with increases in vote % for Trump in the 2016 Republican primary and the 2016 Presidential vote.

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